Most businesses understand the importance of generating high quality for improving your B2B PPC. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. Generating leads is challenging by itself and when you’re aiming for high quality leads, which you should, it can be several times more challenging. Don’t let this demotivate you however.
Implementing the tips listed below will help you get right on track.
Target More Specific Keywords
Using the right keywords lie at the core of any search campaign. Most businesses understand this. The mistake they make however is in looking for broad keywords. The problem with using broad keywords is that it attracts all types of leads, only a few of which would actually be your target customer.
For example, let’s say your business deals with sports shoes especially designed for running marathons. If you just target the keyword ‘sports shoes’ you’ll get thousands of readers looking for shoes designed for all types of sports. But none or very few of them are really interested in what you offer. Even targeting ‘running shoes’ is not specific enough.
To attract prospects who are more likely to buy from you, you must target more specific keywords. In this case, your keyword would be ‘marathon running shoes’ or other variations of this phrase. Even using the keyword ‘running shoes designed for running marathons’ will work. This is known as a long tail keyword.
Although it’s a small difference, someone who types in “life insurance policies” is arguably more qualified than someone who types in “insurance policies.” They’ve already clarified what type of insurance policy they’re after, making them more likely to buy.
How can you take your current keyword list and make those keywords more specific? Are there modifiers like the example above that you can add to your keywords to give them higher intent?
Build Custom Landing Pages
Building custom landing pages is just as important as targeting more specific keywords. Your landing page must speak the language of your prospective customer.
Let’s say you’re target customers are new moms. The language, colors, images, and tone of voice you use in your landing page will be completely different from that used in a landing page that targets teenage fashion or a male audience.
Keep your target audience in the forefront when designing your landing page.
Create Different Forms Of Advertising
Today you can find an interesting variety of advanced features on almost every digital platform. With a little ingenuity, you can make use of these features to get more creative about your advertising. The best part is it won’t even cost you all that much.
If your business is using AdWords, remarketing is an excellent feature that allows you to reach out to readers who visited your website a while ago but did not buy anything. You can do this through display remarketing on other websites or through remarketing lists for search ads in the search listings. These strategies allow you to encourage visitors who came to your website but did not purchase anything for on
Make Sure To Bid Enough
This tip is pretty straightforward. Low bids attract low quality leads. The only way to attract high quality leads is by increasing your bid. This doesn’t mean you need to bid outrageous amounts. Do your homework and find out what your competitor’s are bidding. This should give you a pretty good idea of what is a fair bid that’s neither too low nor too high.
Taking the time to improve your B2B PPC lead quality is well worth it when you consider the higher returns you’ll get on your investment.